“I don’t have the time.” How often do your hear yourself say these words? If it is often then time management is the answer for you. Managing the 24 hours of your day efficiently and balancing both work and home is what time management is all about.
The importance of time management cannot be denied. Poor time management is often a symptom of over confidence. Time management can probably be avoided in the case of small projects but not for the larger ones.
Take out a few minutes and review the time that you spend on various tasks. Make conscious notes of how and where you are spending your time. When at work or even at home, do not leave any work to be done later. If you keep postponing, you will never be able to meet the deadline and if the task is done in a hurry, the quality of your work will suffer. These are simple things but this is what time management is all about.
It is good to sit and plan your tasks of the day and the amount time that you would like to devote to each task. There is the simple concept of time management. Keep a well ordered diary and the related idea of planned activity. Note down all the tasks that you need to do and cross them off when done. Jot down the tasks for the next day before you end the day. This will help avoid unnecessary tensions and ultimately avoid stress.
Time Management is a process that must be planned, monitored and regularly reviewed. Qpluslearning is here to help you manage your day efficiently. Time management will allow you to eliminate wastage, be prepared for meetings, refuse excessive workloads, monitor project progress, allocate resource (time) appropriate to a task's importance, ensure that long term projects are not neglected, plan each day efficiently, plan each week effectively. At the end of each day, you will feel stress free and ready to face the next day with equal enthusiasm. |